Should You Spend Money on Advertising?

Last week I had lunch with an acquaintance in the health insurance industry because he wanted to know about the cost of advertising on WOWO.


When we set up the lunch, I knew the answers he wanted, but we didn’t have the time to discuss his options.

Bill wanted to know if he should spend some money this year on advertising.

My answer was no.

At least not in the manner that he was thinking.

Radio Commercials on WOWO.

Not with his budget and his expectations.

He’s been doing this for 30 years and has been a one man band but later this year his daughter might be joining him in the business.

If he was really going to expand his business and was willing to invest, I could offer him a complete integrated marketing plan. But that is not his intention.

His website needs fixing too, but my options are out of his price range since there are things he knows how to do to fix his site.

Even my digital marketing options are beyond what he wants to spend.  That’s okay.

Because sometimes the answer to the question, Should You Spend Money On Advertising, is no.

Let me flip this answer around for a quick second.  Sometimes the answer is yes.  And the only way to know for sure is to talk to someone who has the expertise and knowledge about your options and will be honest with you.  Yes, that’s me raising my hand.