Okay, when I say drip, how many of you thought of something negative?

It’s time to change your thinking, at least marketing wise.

I was talking to the owner of an ad agency the other day and he had not heard the term “Drip Campaign” before.

Here’s what it is and why a drip campaign can be a good thing for your business.

Think about a faucet that drips.  Not a lot of water all at once, but just a consistent drip….drip….drip….drip…you get the picture.

You can overflow a glass that you leave in the sink overnight if the faucet drips in it all night long.

While it’s not what I would recommend when you are really thirsty right now, you agree that it’s one way of filling up your glass, right?

When you have a business that needs to advertise, you can do it in short powerful spurts by turning the water on full blast, or you can just let it drip in, slow and steady.

Unless you are one of those short term businesses that are only open a short time each year, you probably would do better with a regular stream of customers every week.  That’s the thinking behind a drip campaign.

You create a steady flow of business that you can handle.

Let’s say you can handle 20 customers a week. That’s 140 per year.  What would happen if you got 140 customers showing up at your business in just two weeks.  Could you handle that much business all at once?

Nope. Not if you are only equipped to handle 40 in two weeks.  What would happen to those other 100?  You’d lose them.  You’d annoy them, they would be talking smack about you.

Your advertising schedule should reflect the pace of the flow of business you want too.

Steady, maybe a little less than you would do if you were running a special promotion, but consistent too.

It works.  I’ve done this time and time again for business people who want to grow their business at a pace they can handle.

By the way, you are already doing this type of drip campaign marketing if you have a sign on your business that people see as they drive down the road.

Let’s talk about how to make this work for you.

Contact me: Scott@WOWO.com or 260-255-4357.