Yes, living in Northeastern Indiana has been challenging this winter.  But the amount of complaining has reached levels as high as the piles of snow that may not melt off until Memorial Day.

A simple challenge that is much more productive, is to catch ourselves from complaining about the weather and focus on action.

The mental energy it takes, the emotional energy it drains, the negativity that is spread like a virus is a waste.

That same energy can be used to spread a positivity virus that is just as contagious.

The actions that you take can be for yourself or someone else, doesn’t really matter, the idea is to focus on something you can control instead of complaining about something you have no control over.

Yes, the snow will melt one day.

Then what will your attitude be?


By the way, the picture is one of my grandkids, Emma, snapped by her Mom, Tiffany.