As I type, our moderator Kevin Mullett is wrapping up today’s Social Media Breakfast Fort Wayne.

We have these events on a monthly basis, #SMBFW is the hashtag.  The next one is July 31st.

The format for today was break-out with groups of 4 to 8 at a table answering questions and then sharing those answers with the entire gathering.

We only got two questions in and here they are along with the summary answers:

How is online networking like off line networking

  • Take care of customer concerns
  • Communication paths to build relationships
  • Building relationships with like minded people
  • Limitations of time vs limitations of 140 characters
  • Mutual contacts/connections
  • Need to maintain regular presence & attendance
  • Create Top of Mind Awareness
  • Introductions to new people
  • Listening is better than talking
  • More about the interaction than the numbers in attendance/followers
  • Both can be used to learn, grow and stay connected
  • Content (message) is the similar
  • Both start out small, but can grow



How is online marketing like direct mail

  • Wide audience, targeted
  • Can be overdone, creating clutter and annoyance
  • Graphic elements.  Facebook lets you post pics, Twitter lets you post links to pics
  • Provide top of mind awareness
  • Updates from businesses that you want to receive because of being targeted.
  • Relevance. Audience Matched.
  • Have to be short and sweet.
  • Starts with one way communication
  • Results not always measurable.
  • Both can be spammy
  • They can work together, complimentary

There you go, hope to see you next month