I publish a new article 5 days a week on this website and some weeks an extra article on the weekends.

Nearly every article is composed days or even weeks before they are published.  I take time to write often in a coffee shop or comfortable chair at home. 1keyboard

I encourage others to write and post often too.  Even once a week is better than never. I have been doing this non-stop since 2011 on this website and other sites since 2005.

But in the last couple of weeks, I have forgotten to change the year on the “Scheduled Date” tab when writing these articles and articles that are supposed to show up in January and February 2016, have been published with a 2015 date.  Subscribers may get an email that shows a new article but, when then click to read the rest on this website, it’s gone.

Sorry ’bout that but as soon as I noticed my mistake, I fixed it. You just got a preview of what’s coming next year.

Now going back to your holiday relaxing or whatever you were doing today.