Talking TED

Talking TED

Life is getting busy and TED talks, even though they are less than a half hour, may be too long to watch. No problem. How about 3 minutes?

Matt Cutts is an engineer at Google at talks about the power of 30:

Talking TED

Talking TED

Today we look at some predictions for the future, from the past, for today.  From 1984, Nicholas Negroponte:


Talking TED

Talking TED

This week we are reaching the end of the TED playlist New to TED.

We will continue for at least the rest of 2014 with another TED Talk each week.


It’s a commitment I made to myself a couple months ago.

My wife and I were looking for something different to do on a Saturday night after going out to dinner.

She suggested watching something online but didn’t know what.

I wasn’t willing to commit to a two hour movie.

My brain reminded me that I always wanted to watch more TED Talks and that’s how we began.

The next day, I decided to make a public commitment to watch one each week and post them online.

Doing this (actually scheduling them to post each week) makes it easy for me to keep this commitment and also easy to share this journey with you.

Enough from me, let’s watch David Christian :


Talking TED

Talking TED

Week 10 of our adventure into TED Talks features Amy Cuddy.


By the way, I scheduled this post back on February 2nd, just like all the other Talking Ted posts.  At the time, I had only viewed one of these videos, the one I featured on February 1st.

So we are going on this journey of exploration together, 1 week at a time, 1 subject at a time.  Feel free to share with others and create some change in your world.

Talking TED

Talking TED

Buckle up and prepare to have yours eyes and heart opened by Bryan Stevenson, in this weeks TED Talk featuring a couple of surprise guests: