Digital Success Stories By The Numbers

At WOWO Radio, I sell advertising. Wait, I really help businesses solve their Key Marketing Challenges.WOWOLogo 2016

Sometimes that includes ads on WOWO, sometimes that includes using our Federated Digital Solutions and sometime it’s both.FDS300

I’m about to show you data from Google Analytics from 3 of my advertising partners.

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This business started with embedded live news sponsorship ads, 10 seconds long on WOWO in 2015.  In March 2016 we added Custom Audience Targeting and a SEM/PPC campaign from Federated Digital Solutions.

The first source is people directly typing in the business URL, which we have been saying on WOWO 15 times a week for nearly 60 weeks. Number two on the list are the C.A.T. Display ads from Federated Digital Solutions. #4 and #5 are the SEM/PPC digital ads we are doing. (7, 9 & 10 are spam.)

Let’s look at another local business.

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This business started on WOWO Radio with Live Endorsement ads in 2015 that include both their phone number and web address.  They are an established name with over 60 years in business. In February 2016 we added Custom Audience Targeting and on June 4th took over their SEM/PPC campaign.

Again the results from our Federated Digital Solution campaigns are amazing. #1 on the list is the C.A.T Digital Display ads. #5 is the results from 3 weeks of our managing their SEM/PPC compared to #6 which are the results from 5 months of SEM managed by their old vendor.

One more to share today…

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This is a local manufacturing company that sells wholesale.  Their very specialized market is worldwide.  We are only using a Custom Audience Targeting Digital Display Ad campaign that covers the entire U.S.A.  No WOWO radio ads.

This is the results after 6 weeks.  Once again Custom Audience Targeting Display Ads, (#1 on the list) is driving traffic to their website which was our goal.  We’ve looked at the details of who the people are that are seeing and clicking on their display ads and we are on track to help them make a lot of money.

Questions? Ask me.



What Happens When I Google You?

Our previous article talked about making sure you put together a marketing strategy plan by asking and answering the right questions in the right order.  But hand-in-hand with that, I also need you to consider, What Happens When I Google You?

I do this all the time.  Before I meet with someone, I ask Google to find out whatever it can about that person or business. googlevoicesearch-listening

I’m not the only one who does this.   With the advances in our mobile tech to be able to search simply by talking, this is quickly becoming the norm.  So it doesn’t matter if you Google others, others are Googling  you.

Back to the question, What Happens When I Google You?

The worst that could happen is a bunch of negative results on page one.2016-06-26 (2)

But right behind that is no results on page one.


According to the internet, you do not exist.

I find this too often with business people that are wanting to promote their business.

In the olden days, before the internet, you needed a physical location and a phone number to be legit.$_35

Now you need to be found online.  That’s more important than a street address and phone number.

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And if you are on the first page with a link to what you want people to find when they Google you, excellent!

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You need to invest in more than a Facebook page, you really need to pony up the cash and buy your own domain and create at least a landing page that you control and is about you.

Let’s review:

  • People will Google you to learn about you
  • Negative results about you are bad
  • Not being found at all is also bad.
  • You have the power to be found by creating your own spot online

Need help?  Talk to me.



How WOWO Radio & Digital Marketing Solutions Work

I have an incredible job.  I get to help businesses

My area of expertise is marketing, media and advertising, something I’ve been doing in Fort Wayne since 2003 and actually for a couple decades before that.

Many businesses struggle with not having enough customers and they don’t know the most effective way to invite people to become their customers.  That’s where I come in.

I have two media platforms to work with and depending on the needs, we may use WOWO radio or we may use a digital solution to use the internet.

Right now, I’ll outline the most common methods that I just presented to someone this week:

WOWO Radio has been on the air for 91 years and is the most listened to radio station in Fort Wayne, Indiana by grown-ups.  100,000 weekly listeners is the number we are told by the radio rating/survey people.

WOWO is an excellent way to reach a mass audience.  With our news-talk format, listeners do not tune out when commercials come on and as a result, we have countless success stories from our advertising partners.  Ask and I’ll share some with you.

The digital marketing solutions are also an extremely effective way to invite potential customers to your business.  I can target ads to reach the specific criteria of people that you want to expose your business to.  I’m not limited to just our area, I have one campaign that is nationwide.  Another is targeted to only certain zipcodes.

With the digital marketing solutions offered by Federated Digital Solutions (the online division of our parent company), I can create a very specific and targeted campaign that is only limited by the parameters we decide.

It’s the combination of these two marketing solutions using WOWO Radio and Digital Marketing that allows me to help you succeed by connecting your business with new customers.

Want more details?  Let’s talk.

Are You Hiding in Plain Sight?

If someone is looking for your business because they want want to spend money with you, or at least consider spending money with you, can they find you?nothing-found

This is a problem with lots of businesses, big and small.

I have a friend who has a successful painting business that he’s been operating for over 30 years.  But you can’t find him unless you know exactly how to connect with him. There are a couple ways to spell his last name and he doesn’t have a website, his Facebook page has less than 100 likes, etc.

I also have friends who have had a successful business for nearly 16 years that does pretty good.  They are local owners of a world-wide franchise, so they can be found online. But they also launched a related side business and due to limited name recognition, they are not being found by people who want to hire them.  I know this because I got an email from someone who was looking for them, but didn’t remember the exact name of the company.  He tried to no avail but it was impossible.

Another friend who had decent exposure online, if you knew her name, but there was a Google Map listing that showed up with all the wrong contact information because she moved.  I learned this old listing was over 5 years old and who knows how many thousands of dollars she has lost because she was “hiding in plain sight”?

This is just 3 examples of a dozen I could mention off the top of my head that I’ve seen this year.  None of these people or businesses are out of business, yet…

I say yet, because the danger is there.  If people don’t know how to find you, how to connect with you or simply can’t because your online presence is missing, wrong or inaccurate, You need to fix it.FDS300

Too busy?  That’s a terrible excuse.  Don’t know how to fix it?  Hire a professional team that specialize in this.  I’ve got one at Federated Digital Solutions and we can help. Contact me now with a text or phone call to 260-255-4357 or email