Top of Google or Top of Mind

Top of Google or Top of Mind

In today’s changing media world, when it comes to your current customers and your future customers, is it more important to have Top of Mind Awareness or be at the top of the page on Google?

Of course, it’s great to be recognized by both customers and Google, but if your competition wins in your customers’ rankings, a good Google ranking for you won’t change their minds.

Study after study has proven that when searching on Google, people will click on a business that they “know” and are “familiar with” far more than clicking on a name they don’t know. In fact, 71% will click on a name they are familiar with before clicking on a name at the top of the page.

The purpose of advertising is to accomplish one of two things: sell products immediately or create brand awareness.

The best way to create brand awareness is to create stories that move customers from unawareness of you to awareness of you, and onto creating an emotional connection with your business or product, long before they need you. Then, and only then, can you be assured of having your name clicked on when they search for your product or service.

Einstein said, “Genius is making the complicated look simple.” Effective marketing need not be complicated.

A simple strategy of using broadcast to tell your story to create a pre-search preference for your business and using online to close the sale will create the revenue results you need to make your marketing more profitable.

Click here to receive our Ten Powerful Storytelling Tips to create stories that will have your customers choosing you when they search online.
Why WOWO is the Best Choice for Advertising (Part 3)

Why WOWO is the Best Choice for Advertising (Part 3)

As we move toward a new year, many business owners are attempting to figure out the best bang for their buck when it comes to marketing and advertising.

If you are in the Northeast Indiana region, specifically Fort Wayne, Indiana and nearby communities and you want to invite adults age 25 and older to buy from you, become your patient, or client, I urge you to contact me and my team at WOWO radio.

Marketing Charts dot com released a couple of articles that I’m going to use in the 3rd installment of my series this year of Why WOWO Radio is the Best Choice for Advertising.

About half of US adults say they trust the information they receive from reviews of products or services from other users or customers.

Also in this study, less than 25% of us, trust TV advertising.

One big trend that companies have been relying on is using Influencers on Social Media who have thousands of followers to convince their followers to buy the products they pitch online.  According to the study that marketing tactic only works on about 15% of us and nearly half of us distrust these so-called influencers.

Follow along with me as I relate this information to the capabilities of WOWO radio.

Besides WOWO having the largest weekly audience of adults, our news and talk format means our listeners are actively listening to the words our radio personalities are saying, compared to a music station that has passive listenership because music is often used as background music.

At WOWO, our morning news host Kayla and afternoon talk host Pat have the ability to connect with their audiences much more deeply than any other form of media as they share not just the latest news but also their personal lives too.

They have built a trust relationship with their listeners.

Imagine if that trust relationship could be transferred to your business. That would be incredible.  Pat and Kayla and the other WOWO radio personalities become friends with their listeners and in the same manner that you trust your friends to make recommendations, WOWO’s listeners trust them too.  I call it Word of Mouth with a Bigger Mouth,

Yes, many of the businesses that use WOWO also use Kayla or Pat testimonial endorsement ads and are seeing the benefits.

Now there was another article that confirmed the power of a host doing a live ad.

Host-read ads were also found to outperform non-host-read ads on several key marketing metrics. Most notably, they were found to produce some 60% higher intent to seek information, a 50% higher intent to purchase, and 50% higher recommendation intent. Additionally, host-read ads produced 67% higher affinity and 33% higher familiarity than non-host-read.

The data I just shared pertains to podcasts, but it is both reasonable and acceptable to apply this to WOWO.

Not every business qualifies for a testimonial endorsement from Pat or Kayla on WOWO.  When you contract with WOWO for this type of ad, you are category exclusive.  Ask me or my team for details on this.  We actually have a waiting list for some categories.


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Radio versus Social Media

Radio versus Social Media

For the past few years, President Donald Trump has called the major news media Fake News. Meanwhile the commentators on the networks and news organization he calls Fake, call the Presidents favorite channel Fake News.  I’m not about to dive into a political rabbit hole but this is just one example of how we as consumers have been losing trust in the long standing traditional news media, no matter what side you are on, there’s someone on the other side that will say, you’re wrong and they are right.

What led to this widespread division is not just what the news organizations are doing, but the availability for anyone and everyone to become their own “media”.  I’m talking about Social Media.

We can forget about Tom and MySpace which was the forerunner to Facebook.  MySpace is still around but Tom skipped town.

Facebook is attempting to take over the world, still but in light of what they have been doing with data collection and arguing over their legal liabilities, Facebook is losing ground when it comes to Trust. 

I just read a story that summarized findings of a survey taken this summer by Engagement Labs that points out how badly the trust factor in Social Media has fallen this year.  How bad is it?  “Facebook down 56%, Instagram down 38% and Twitter down 140%”


Now before I go any further with sharing the results from this story, I want you to know where I am coming from.  Since 2003 I have worked exclusively in the marketing world.  8 years at a group of radio stations, followed by some shorter positions working for a website development company that specialized in marketing solutions, another several months back in radio, followed by nearly a year as the “Social Media Magician” at an ecommerce company before I returned to radio again in 2013.  

The ScLoHo brand came about due to my online activity I was doing 15 years ago.  I have lived in both social and online media along with traditional media for a long time and I know the strengths and weaknesses of all of it.  The company I work for has a digital division and I can probably out debate anyone on the pros and cons of all this. 

Back to this story and survey from this summer…

A new survey of radio listeners finds their trust in radio and its personalities continues to grow as social media has become far less trustworthy during the past year. Conducted by data and analytics firm Engagement Labs and commissioned by iHeartMedia, the study shows listeners ages 18-69 place higher trust in radio than in television or social media and that 79% of respondents said radio is more or just as trustworthy compared to a year ago while social media is 50% less trustworthy during the same time period.

Here’s more specific numbers:

Among radio listeners 18-69, the survey found 75% trust radio, 66% trust television, 57% trust websites, 38% trust Twitter and 37% trust Facebook.

My radio station, WOWO Radio is a news/talk formated station and I just received data relating to our listenership and the trust factor that I’ll share in a few weeks.

One more quote from this story:

The survey also found that an overwhelming majority of respondents indicated that radio improves their mood, helps them feel less isolated and more connected to their community. More than three-fourth of respondents (77%) trust the information they receive from their favorite on-air hosts. In addition, heavy radio listeners were found to wield robust word of mouth power for advertisers, having more brand conversations and more influence than heavy internet users and TV viewers.

It’s that last part, the robust word of mouth power for advertisers that I’ll gladly talk to you about specifically with regards to WOWO radio if you reach out to me and I’ll also be including that information in an upcoming article and podcast.


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Why WOWO is the Best Choice for Advertising (Part One)

Why WOWO is the Best Choice for Advertising (Part One)

Today I’m kicking off an occasional series of Why WOWO Radio in Fort Wayne, Indiana is the Best Choice for Advertising Your Business. I am calling it an occasional series because, every few weeks I’ll add another article interspersed with the other articles I share each week on this website and the Genuine ScLoHo Media & Marketing Podcast.

While just this year I was named the General Sales Manager for WOWO radio, and this is my 7th year working for WOWO, I’ve been writing and publishing these stories and insights for over 15 years.  Pretty soon, I’ll have my 20th anniversary of returning to the media and marketing world in Fort Wayne after having worked in radio in Detroit and other places too.

Recently Marketing published a story on the “Graying of America” that caught my attention. I’m a young Baby Boomer and for most of my life, I was part of the most sought after demographic for advertisers.  I was part of the Pepsi Generation.  Until I turned 55 that is.

See, in my work in advertising, the desired demographic was either the 18 to 34 year olds when the Baby Boomers were that age, and then more recently 25 to 54 year olds were the hot target market.

When the advertising guru’s followed the Boomers in to middle life with that initial switch, many of them forgot what they were chasing.  As the Boomers got older, the advertising people stayed with the 25-54 year olds which was foolish.


Because the age 55 and older people in America are not the same as their grandparents were when they were in their 60’s.  We didn’t turn into a bunch of grumpy old men and women sitting around playing checkers and reminiscing about the good old days.  We blew that stereotype sky-high.

Boomers have more money, more free time, more overall freedom and they’re not sitting around waiting to die.

Coupled with the misconception of what Boomer are doing, the advertising people ignored the fact that the younger generations are smaller.  That’s what this story from Marketing Charts dot com points out.

Over the past 10 years, since 2010 the number of pre-teens has been going down, so has the teenage population and college crowd.  There has been 11 percent growth in the 25 to 34 year olds, but less than 2% growth in the 35 to 44 age group.  45 to 54 year old population had a big loss of over 9% in the past decade. So if you are targeting your advertising to 25 to 54 year olds today, there are statistically fewer of them.  That mean less people to buy your stuff than a decade or two ago.

When you compare that with the growth of the older population…

55 to 64 year olds grew in size by over 15%; 65 to 74 year old grew by  almost 45%; and even the 75 and older crowd grew by more than 20% in the past decade.

Clearly the Baby Boomer population is still alive and kicking, and not just dying off.  Some Boomers parents are very active in their 80’s and 90’s.

WOWO Radio has been the most listened to radio station for adults age 25 and older for years and admittedly the biggest chunk of our listenership was age 50 and older.  But we’re not our grandparents.  We’re upgrading our lifestyles, socking it away for retirement one day and living longer, healthier lives than previous 50, 60, and 70 year olds were.

One more statistic I noticed this summer from our most recent ratings survey was that the WOWO Radio audience is becoming more diverse.  We are also getting younger listeners, those between the age of 25 and 50 have grown in the past year.  Another trend is the ratio of men and women listening to WOWO Radio.  We used to be 60% guys and 40% women 10 years ago.  Today it’s nearly 50/50.

Let’s wrap this up with a few more facts and figures from the Marketing Charts report.  Baby Boomers have more than 54% of the nations wealth, and if you add it the money from the next older generation, that’s where 75% of the buying power is in America.  These people are also the least affected by the fall out of COVID-19.   And these are the WOWO Radio listeners.

There you have it, Part One of Why WOWO is the Best Choice for Advertising.  Contact me to get started with a campaign to marketing your business.


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Unlocking The Marketing Mystery

Unlocking The Marketing Mystery

Have you ever thought about why your customers do the things they do and why they buy what they buy? 

How did they come to that conclusion?

When did they first hear of your business and when did they decide to consider doing business with you?

Subconsciously all of these questions are important and fall into what is known as the “Buying Cycle“ or the “Marketing Funnel”.  Buying decisions are influenced by two seemingly opposing forces: emotion, and logic.

The human brain is divided into two hemispheres, known as the right and left brain.  The right brain (emotional side) is the creative and exciting side; it focuses on feelings and imagination while the left brain (logical side) uses logic, statistics, and rules and is more practical and boring.

For your marketing strategies to be effective, you must understand why people do what they do and why they think the way they think.  Effecting and influencing both parts of your prospects’ brains through what is known as the “Marketing Funnel” will increase your chances of turning prospects into customers.

The purpose of the Marketing Funnel is to move your prospect from unawareness of you to awareness, then on to preference, need, search, and purchase.

All buying influences begin at the top of the Marketing Funnel with the right side of the brain, the subconscious and emotional side of the thought process.  This is the time when they start to create an emotional connection with you. It’s long before they want or need your product or service.

When actual purchases occur at the bottom of the Marketing Funnel, your prospect’s thought process has moved from the subconscious and emotional right side of the brain to the more analytical and logical left side of the brain.  This is when they do their research. Typically, they only research those that they already have a positive emotional connection with.

Emotions are the powerful, even though often unrecognized, beginning to your customers’ perception of you. Once a prospect has certain feelings or emotions about you or your competitor, it is difficult to logically change their preferences or prejudices.

The perfect marketing strategy reaches and influences your customers’ and prospects’ emotional right brains before they are in the market and before they have entrenched opinions about you and your competitors.  Getting people to think of you and feel good about you is what advertising is intended to do.

But this “perfect plan” also needs to appeal to the logical and analytical left brain to help your prospects rationalize and justify their heartfelt purchase from you.

Strategically targeting emotions at the beginning of the Marketing Funnel, and logic at the purchase end of the funnel is the perfect dual approach to reaching and influencing your customers.

To learn more about why and how consumers make purchasing decisions and to see a  Marketing Funnel, click here. To discuss how to create and implement the perfect media mix, contact me and I’ll connect you with a member of my team.  Drop me a an email to 

And to get more marketing tips and insights like this delivered to you inbox every week, sign up for my Sound ADvice newsletter in the box below.

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