How To Be Better This Year

This week is the first full work week for the new year and for many those ideas and resolutions to improve something are about to be challenged as the reality of normal life kicks in.

The holiday time off is over and most of those extra sweets and/or snacks are nearly gone.  Maybe they are replaced in your frig with some strange objects known as fruits and vegetables.

I was toying with the idea of eating a salad as my usual breakfast this year.  I’m still mulling it over.

Some of you may decide to change other habits, like sleep or exercise.  I’ve discovered that sleep is fun.  Most nights my wife and I are asleep by 10:30 and awake 8 hours later.  We sort of fell into this habit a few years ago.  The exercise routine I developed in 2013 when I worked at a place that had an onsite work out room and a personal trainer that would come twice a week.  For a few months I was a regular until I developed an issue with one of my eyes due to over exertion one afternoon.   So now I have to look for other opportunities to improve my health via a combination of exercise and food.

Maybe the “better you”, you want to create this year involves learning.  Expanding your knowledge is one important aspect that we should consciously do no matter how young or old we are.  And just as important is the application.  How will you take what you learn and apply it to your life and the lives of others?


This weekend, the pastor at our church issued a challenge to us.  It was to simply read and study our bibles.  I admit there have been times in my life that I was more a student of scripture than other times and reflecting back, I know he is right.  If I want wisdom and change in my life, I need to go to the source. Regularly. Not just when I have a question.

Work wise, I can easily measure my progress in black and white, in dollars, the records are there and I have goals set for me and I also have my own goals which exceed those given to me.  Because that’s the way I work.

What if we took the same approach to all these other areas that we want to be better in our lives?  What if instead of setting impossible goals, we set ourselves up for success, not failure? What if we didn’t give up when we missed a goal or didn’t follow through with a resolution and instead we revisited the idea and revised the plan?

The year is upon us.  Every day another 24 hours passes that we live.  Until we don’t anymore.

Each day, week, month is filled with choices and you and I get to decide.  I’ve decided to continue my journey to be better this year, have you?


Facing our Fears

Facing our Fears

I have a friend who is afraid of heights.

He’s not a kid and there is no trauma from his past that can be traced back as a source of this fear.

Recently I had lunch with him at the Window Garden Cafe in Downtown Fort Wayne, which has lots of windows to view the city.  That’s where I shot the photo I use as for the Ft. Wayne Site of the Day.

But other folks have fear of death, or fire, or 8-legged creatures.

What fears do you have?

What fears have you overcome?

Facing our Fears

Attitude Adjustments

Man, it seems like a lot of folks are going through tough times if you listen to some of the talking heads on the 24 hour cable news channels.

So many people suffering without a job, lack of health insurance, missing out on _______ or _________.

I realize that lots of people have lost their paychecks over the past few years and many have lost health insurance coverage because of lack of employment.

But the big question is What Do We Do About It?

We can get angry with our political leaders for the bickering that they do, for their stubbornness, for their jockeying for position and power.

But that is only going to keep us stuck and what we really need is an Attitude Adjustment.

We need to resolve to:

  • Become responsible for our actions
  • Become responsible for our own happiness
  • Become honest with ourselves
  • Stop waiting for others to change and become change agents ourselves

And this also includes:

  • Reaching out to others that we can help, not just with handouts but with guidance, mentoring and some “Tough Love”.
  • Looking for the common bonds instead of points of division.
  • A daily, (sometimes hourly) commitment to be a truly optimistic person even when our world around us seems to be turning into manure.
  • Forgiveness, both of ourselves and others.

It’s not easy.

However I have seen in my own life and those around me with friends and family the difference that this inward change can make despite outside circumstances.

Let’s make 2012 the best possible.


Overcoming Fear, Embracing Risk

Overcoming Fear, Embracing Risk

A few days ago I read the following from the Dumb Little Man Blog:

  • “If you go and talk to that girl that you find attractive, she might think you’re an idiot or she might turn you down.” Does it matter considering you don’t have her in the first place? What are you really going to lose?
  • “If you write this and share it with people what if they think you’re crazy, think your article is garbage or don’t agree with you.” It’s not like you have the traffic, comments or reaction from that post right now. So what exactly are you afraid to lose?
  • “If this crazy wild eyed dream of mine doesn’t work out then the whole world will be laughing publicly and saying I told you so.” Considering you haven’t accomplished the dream, you’re really not losing anything. It’s far easier for people to stand on the sidelines and critique another person than it is to play the game themselves. Be wary of these people.

Each of these deal with overcoming what makes us stop and using that energy to move forward.


Read the whole post on DLM.



There really is value in relaxing. In getting away and taking time to do what you want to do, instead of what needs to be done. Think about it. Is it urgent? Is it important? Does it need to be done NOW?

Now do not confuse relaxing with procrastination. They can look the same at times. However, even God in his wisdom created an example for us to follow of relaxing one day a week.

My challenge to me and to you is to determine what you do to relax, and then do it. Work hard, Play hard, Relax Easy. Relax and recharge. Just like my cell phone does at night when I plug it in when I go to sleep. And batteries are all charged up the next day!