Every once in awhile I add an extra post to this website of mine when there is something urgent.

About 4 pm today, I got word that my youngest daughter Tiffany was going to have an appendectomy.

Tiff and her husband Jon have been married 6 years and have two young ones, Calvin who is 16 months old and Emma who is about 2 months old.  They live near Indianapolis about 3 1/2 hours away from me.

Tiff and Emma were in the area Sunday to attend a wedding and while I don’t have all the details, Tiff was not having any symptoms except being tired, but taking care of two under the age of 2 can do that.

Anyway, my two grandkids were being taken care of by a very good friend of theirs while Jon and Tiff were at the hospital and parents and step-parents are keeping all of this in our prayers from 150 miles away.

Tiff has been breast feeding her kids. It’s one of her superpowers. But this presents a problem in cases like this, I’m thinking.

Enter my first born, Rachael.  She and her husband Brandon had their first born Nora in February and she has that same superpower as her sister of being able to breastfeed her daughter.

Rachael packs stuff for her and Nora and makes the drive from Fort Wayne to Tiff and Jon’s home while Tiff is under the knife.

All ends well around 7:30 as I get word from Tiffany herself that she is doing fine for having been through an ordeal of a day and she’ll get to go home tomorrow and Rachael made it down with Nora to assist with taking care of her niece and nephew.

All the collective sighs of relief were heard from the parents and step-parents of Tiff and Jon.

I know there is going to be a few tough days ahead for my daughters, but I’m confident that they and my grandkids will end up just fine.

I titled this Monday Miracles because I know that is what all of this is all about.

It’s not luck.

It’s not coincidence.

It’s not even a surprise to God.

It was to us mere mortals, but let’s look at this again.

Tiffany and daughter Emma spend Sunday driving from Indy to northern Indiana for a wedding and back home again with no problem.  The next day she goes to the doctor and they decide to remove her appendix. Which they do successfully.

But what about the two kids, one of which receives all her nutrition from her Mom’s breast milk?

Enter sister Rachael who is also able to provide life sustaining mothers milk which she can also give to her niece.  Only God could have created the scenario that includes perfect timing of the birth of these two granddaughters of mine so that this could occur.

There are other details that when also considered all point to a plan well beyond what we mortals could coordinate that goes beyond fate.

Tonight we continue prayers for Tiffany’s recovery and prayers for strength for my daughters, their husbands and the grandkids.

But there’s also a prayer of thanks to God for all the miracles in our life, especially those we don’t see, but are there anyway.