The ones that work for you.

Forget about one or another being the Holy Grail for your business.

Facts are that we have plenty of options, more than we need for advertising our businesses.

Digital and Social Media has grown tremendously in the past decade.

But you know what?

Many forms of Traditional Media are excellent choices too.

Headlines in my email inbox today included:

Marketers: Facebook Still Has Way More Teens Than Anyone Else

with the sub head:

Usage Among Teens May Be Down, But Advertisers Are Unfazed

And there was this:

Radio Is Not Dead or Dying!

(You can read those stories by clicking on the headlines.)

The one industry I have not heard from in awhile is the Yellow Pages.

Print, in the form of magazines, newspapers or free shoppers, has been evolving.

All of it is evolving at an exceedingly rapid pace, or so it seems. But hang on a second.

Just because new options are out there, doesn’t mean the old ones are worthless and should be dropped.


Because as consumers, we are slow to adapt to the new, while we hang on to the old.

Look at Facebook for example.  Sometimes I am surprised at who I know that is or is not on Facebook.

I know 60 year olds and 16 year olds that are on it everyday, just as there are plenty at all ranges of the age spectrum who are not.

The same thing with radio, TV, print and other social medias.

I’m going to sum this up with two things:

1. Do Not Listen to the Nay Sayers who tell you that their favorite form of media and advertising is the only one you should use and that the others are over.

2. Listen and converse with someone who can work with you to dissect your business, your business marketing and advertising (past & present) who has a keen understanding that your success depends on LOTS of pieces, not just one.

Contact me for more ideas.  Your thoughts are always welcome.