I was living in the outskirts of Warsaw, Indiana when I got my first email account.

We had dial up and a Gateway computer running the latest and greatest Windows 3.0 and we were always dealing with the 3 fingered salute due to the blue screen of death.

We’ve come a long way in the past 20 years.

My old dumb phone had more power than that first computer in our home and I have flash drives with more memory than some of the computers I used to own.

20 years ago, heck 5 years ago, we had a much different web world than we do today.

Take a peek at this history of “Social Media” if you want, but the direction is clear.

As consumers of the web, we have stopped thinking in the silos of the past.

When asked I asked a university class last January if they were involved with Social Media, most really didn’t think of it in those terms.

Everyone had a Facebook account, but we were introducing them to Twitter, LinkedIn and blogging.

Now days you can set up a website for your business or hobby or club using WordPress, which is a blogging platform!

By the way, if you really want results from your online presence, just setting up a website won’t cut it.  There is an incredible amount of work that goes into a successful online marketing program.  Contact me and my team at Cirrus ABS can set you on the right path for success, as we have for hundreds of other clients the past 15+ years.

Here’s what I see as the current factors that are melding all things web related:

  • The rise of smartphones (iPhones, Droids, and the like).
  • The huge rise in tablet computing (iPad, Amazon Kindle Fire, to name a couple).
  • The growth of cloud computing where your stuff is stored online instead of in your computer.


Also consider that static webpages are not as valuable to Google Search as sites with fresh, current content.

Your website needs to be alive.  You need to feed it.  If you don’t and your competitor feeds his website, they win.  It’s that basic and simple.

Social Media follows that same methodology naturally.

20 years ago, my youngest daughter was 5 years old.  She has grown up with this evolution. She is now a Mom of a 7 month old and expecting her second this summer.  Those kids will know nothing about a world without the web.

It is because of all of these changes going on now and in the future around us along with the change in my own career when I left the world of radio to join the web world professionally, that I’ve dropped ScLoHo’s Social Media Adventure and instead created ScLoHo’s Web World.

Daily at noon, I’ll be updating this column with insights from me and others as we venture forward in this new year.  Join me, won’t you?