We are impatient people who value our privacy.

Yes, I’m including you, the 20 year old who got amazingly drunk recently and there’s video online of you doing things that would make your Grandmother blush.

First, let’s talk about the impatient part.

Due to the speed of technology, we want fast answers.

The reason lots of companies still use rebates as price discounts is because a significant number of people never send in the rebate form and the company gets to keep that extra cash.  We want our discounts now, not later.

Privacy, or perhaps security is something else we value.  We are constantly being told that about security breeches with credit card numbers, social security numbers or some other type of identity theft.

So when a local oil company that operates a chain of convenience stores offers an Instant Gas Discount, just stop in and pick up your card inside, I decided to actually go inside and pick one up.

The sign on the pump says I will save 7 Cents on each gallon I purchase with the Instant Gas Discount Card when I buy from them.  I did the math and I would save close to 30 bucks a year.

But there are too many hoops to jump through I find out.

The card is attached to a piece of cardboard that says things like, “Instantly Rollback the price you pay for gas with the Instant Gas Discount Card” and “The Convenient Way to Pay & Save!”. Also “Simple, Secure and FAST”.

It also says, “Please see back for enrollment instructions.”

So I flip it over..

I need to register my card, I am told and I need:

  • U.S. Driver’s License
  • U.S. Checking Account
  • Must be at least 18 years old
  • Internet access and a valid Email address

I have all of these but I am suspicious.

There are a list of 8 steps I need to go through which starts with going to their website, entering information I only give to my wife like a drivers license and bank account number.

I also need to enter a promo code, the number on the plastic card and authorize them to take money out of my bank when I buy gas.

If I do all of this, they will send me a “verification email” which will “guide you through the final steps of the enrollment process.”

For 30 bucks?

No Way Jay.