Advertising versus Marketing, A Simple Truth

Before I started this article I Googled, Advertising vs. Marketing, and came up with several quotes. Information

Before I share them, here’s my simple truth that I live by:

Everything that you do is an element of your marketing.

Advertising is the paid portion of it designed to bring in new or retain current customers.

When you run a restaurant and you have pictures of your food on the menu, consider that marketing.

If there is actual food residue from previous customers on the menu and it is sticky, that is also marketing.

Marketing is both the good and bad impressions that influence someone about your business. It goes beyond the stuff most business owners think is marketing and encompasses nearly everything that presents your business to the marketplace.

Here’s what others say about Advertising vs. Marketing:

Advertising: The paid, public, non-personal announcement of a persuasive message by an identified sponsor; the non-personal presentation or promotion by a firm of its products to its existing and potential customers.

Marketing: The systematic planning, implementation and control of a mix of business activities intended to bring together buyers and sellers for the mutually advantageous exchange or transfer of products.

I disagree.  Advertising can be made personal and marketing is usually messy and unsystematic.

But here’s where it can really get confusing to the business owner who has to deal with people who earn their money selling advertising and/or marketing.  There are a number of titles we give ourselves and they sometimes don’t fit.

Here are some titles from people I know in Fort Wayne, Indiana:

  • Account Manager
  • Senior Account Manager
  • Integrated Marketing Manager
  • Marketing Consultant
  • Integrated Marketing Specialist
  • Account Executive
  • Integrated Marketing Consultant

All of these people do basically the same thing but they have different approaches and skill levels. These titles include my coworkers on the WOWO Radio Sales Team and other Federated Media Fort Wayne stations. The reason Integrated is included is because we have more than just radio ads we offer as advertising solutions, there is a whole host of digital products and events we can integrate.

Here’s my title:  Advertising Sales & Marketing Consultant  

I added the word Sales recently to clarify what I do.

I earn money from the advertising solutions that I sell and people buy.

However the Marketing Consulting is the bigger picture and what I spend most of my time doing.  I do not charge for the the marketing consulting.  I could and at one time I did have a business set up to do that.  But ScLoHo Marketing Solutions as a formal for-profit business is dormant and instead I provide those services at no charge.

I get to choose how deep I go with the marketing consulting because it is an investment of time and resources.  For those who really want help, I jump in with both feet.  We’ll talk about the marketing and advertising aspects of their business and come up with a Marketing Strategy Plan that makes it easy to decide if an advertising option fits or is just someone tying to sell them something.

I advice my marketing consulting clients to buy services from others besides me. I am always looking for advertising and marketing partners that are trustworthy and can provide value to my clients.

That’s the way I work and also the simple truth of the differences between Advertising and Marketing.  Contact me with questions or for help.

Setting the Stage for this Website in 2016

Welcome to this humble website of mine.  Now that we are back and recovered from the holidays, I wanted to set the stage for what you can expect to see at this website this year.

First, the name.  The URL: was not my first choice when I launched this site in 2011.  Sounds a bit egotistical with that dot me after my name but the dot com version was taken as was dot net.   ScloHobookgs

ScLoHo was my online identity for several years and continues on multiple social media sites like Twitter and Instagram and other places.  ScLoHo is a way to distinguish myself from the other Scott Howards in this world and even here in Fort Wayne, Indiana. It’s a mashup using the first two letters of my first, middle and last names.  Google “ScLoHo” and nearly everything that appears is probably related to me.

But back to the future…

5 days a week I will publish a new article.  One day will be a sales tip curated from a newsletter I get from  Mondays, like yesterday is when they will appear.

The other 4 days I will publish articles I wrote with an occasional article from others.  They will mostly dealing with marketing, and media with some personal articles too that have nothing to do with those topics.

Have you ever been asked, “What’s your WHY?”

Early in your career, you may not know, or even if you do know, it can change.

Now as a 50 something year old, my why is pretty straight forward.  I want to help people make smart decisions regarding their business marketing.  That is the primary theme of this website.

I have been given permission by the company I work for and our consultants to write and share information that our competitors would be terrified to share publicly.  As a matter of fact, I once worked for another radio station in Fort Wayne that prohibited me from sharing this kind of info online.  It was hand-written into my  contract by the station management.

While my background is in radio broadcasting, I have also worked with other old school media including print and television, plus I spent time working full time in the website development world and social media marketing world.  Add in time away from all of this media stuff and living life as a plain old consumer who worked a couple of jobs where I punched a clock and you’ll begin to get the full picture. (Yes, I was paid to drive a forklift and operate a thermoformer.)

I’ve sat on all sides of the media and marketing universe.  Served on the Board of Directors for 7 years with the American Advertising Federation.  I’ve seen the ignorance and arrogance of advertising agency people, but also have found several that I respect too. Unfortunately they are in the minority.  The same is true with others that I have known who sell advertising.  There are a few good ones that are trust worthy, and the rest, well God help you if you have to deal with them.

I am not all that wise and knowing all by myself.  I have been blessed to have meet with hundreds of business owners over the past 30 years who have told me their stories and together we learned what works marketing wise and what to avoid.  I read a lot too. One day I’ll share some books you might want to read to gain some insight like I did.

So this year, I will give you insider info on WOWO radio and the Fort Wayne radio market; marketing principles that you can apply to any business; share some stories from my advertising partners and the continuing adventures and misfortunes that some people experience.

You can subscribe and have this pop up in your email, you can follow on Twitter, or Facebook even LinkedIn will feature some of these articles.  And if you need help, have a question or want to discuss anything, feel free to contact me.

Do This For Your Business Today with Google

It’s that week when things are either very slow or very busy.   However next week will really be busy with the start of 2016 in full swing.

That’s why it is urgent that you do this today.

Google wants to help your business be found and they have a quick and easy tool that you can use even if you are one of those “hunt and peck two fingered typists”.

 go to

Click on this and get started.

Just do it, okay?

How Do You Communicate with Your Customers?

Two weeks ago, my dentist sent me a text message reminding me of my upcoming appointment for a cleaning.  I appreciated the reminder because I never wrote it down or saved in electronically or any of that stuff. 3_85-1

I knew in the back of my mind it was sometime this month, but that was about it.

How do you communicate with your customers?  I’m not talking about advertising to them, but marketing touches.

See, every time my dentist sends me a reminder, like that text, it is more than a reminder of my appointment.  It is more than a convenience for me and for him (so I show up).  It is creating Top Of Mind Awareness and building familiarity which is good.

I’ve only had a couple of cavities as an adult so the most my dentist will see me is twice a year. But by creating these extra touches, even a helpful reminder, it builds his reputation and the likelihood that I will recommend him to others.

What can you do to increase communication with your customers in a way that they like?

WOWO Listeners Care With Penny Pitch

Last week my radio station, WOWO in Fort Wayne set a new record in giving.  Actually it wasn’t the radio station, but the listeners that make up the WOWO family in what is known as WOWO-land.

I mentioned last week that the WOWO Penny Pitch Radiothon was going on Thursday and Friday and listeners responded with another record breaking dollar total of contributions.


That is $141, 805.00 collected in the 2015 two day  Radiothon for Penny Pitch.  Let me quote an email that WOWO Program Director Ryan Wrecker sent to the staff Friday night:

I wanted to thank each and every one who made this the biggest Penny Pitch in the history of the station.

This year we raised $141,800 in two days during our radiothon, and thanks to the sponsored it will be MATCHED – making looking at a $283,600 donation to four great local charities… over a quarter of a million dollars.

Thank you to the entire WOWO staff, Charly, Mac, Kylie, Jim S., Darrin, Tom, Dean, Kale, & Pat for their on-air contributions, thanks to Bob Chase for his efforts again, of course Jim A., Suzanna and Jon Zimney… and everyone else for pitching in.

I’m still amazed.  WOW… and as Bob Chase said… Bob Sievers and Jay Gould are looking down saying GREAT WORK.

That is one more reason I am proud and humbled to be part of the WOWO family.

WOWO Penny Pitch 2015

It’s day 2 of the WOWO Radio Penny Pitch Radiothon. And it’s my birthday too. More on that in a second. PennyPitchLogo

Penny Pitch Inc. is a nonprofit, in connection with WOWO Radio, that raises funds for community service organizations serving Fort Wayne, Allen County, and Northeast Indiana, since 1948.  A big change this year is due to the generosity of Brigadoon Fitness, who is offering a dollar-for-dollar match.  This means when you give $50 bucks, Brigadoon will double your money and make it worth $100.

Last year, without the matching gifts, WOWO listeners gave over $130,000 during the 2 day radiothon.  The year before the total was over $80,000.  Digging back in time I saw that when I was a senior in high school they raised over $60,000 which was a record amount at the time.

This is a unique opportunity that you have to help. Any size pledge is welcome. Listen online at .

And if you were planning on a birthday gift for me, just give to Penny Pitch instead.