Do you remember the old Mastercard campaign?  The title of it was “Priceless” and the impact of the campaign was “priceless”.  “There are some things money can’t buy. For everything else, there’s Mastercard.” This “idea” turned this struggling company around and saved the brand. 

Here is a link to one of the memorable ads: 

As they say in baseball, we are heading into the 9th inning of 2020, or as we call it in business, Q4.

Faster than you can say, “Trick or Treat”, or know who the World Series Champion will be, the all-important holiday shopping season will begin.

Do you have an idea that is “Priceless”?

It shouldn’t be a surprise that the businesses with the best promotions typically have the strongest sales, but how do they come up with these brilliant ideas?  First of all, to get more than your fair share, the idea doesn’t have to be brilliant or “priceless”. A good idea is better than no idea at all.

Ideas sell.  If you are simply opening your door, hanging mistletoe, and decorating with garland or a wreath, and playing Christmas music, don’t expect a big uptick in your sales.

I’m not talking about creating a “priceless” ad campaign for the holidays, although that wouldn’t hurt. I’m talking about building an event, a promotion, something designed to energize your current customers and attract new customers.  

The trick is coming up with the idea.  Don’t try to do it on your own.  The old rule, “One of us is never as smart as all of us”, holds true when coming up with and creating successful promotions.  The first step is to create a theme. Gather your valued and trusted employees and come up with something unique. Use Google to help, she has hundreds of ideas.

If you would like additional help with creating a holiday promotion event, click here for 12 Tips to Creating and Executing a Holiday Promotion or reach out to your media rep that provides these weekly tips to you. They will gladly help you come up with ideas.

We hope the idea you come up with is “Priceless”!

What you just read is from this weeks Sound ADvice newsletter that can be yours if you subscribe using the box below.

Would you like professional advice from my team of marketers at WOWO radio?  Drop me a note

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