I’ve got a couple of articles inspired by a conversation with my friend, Randy Clark.

It was a few days ago when Randy tweeted:


I was taken aback by Randy’s words. Not that I disagreed, but Randy summed it up so nicely.  I know each of those mentioned and will see some of them Friday at the Indiana Social Media Summit and Smackdown awards. Join us!

In the increasingly politically correct world we live in, we seem to also have an increase in intolerance, which is counter productive to getting along via greater understanding.

I don’t know all the beliefs of my friends and family, but if I looked, I’m sure I could find an area that we are not in agreement.  The choice is then what to do with those differences.

Do you want to use them to divide and damage an otherwise good relationship?

Or do you want to learn about those areas of differences, and come away with a better understanding?

Notice that I did not say you need to convert to their way of thinking.  Just listen and learn.

And then eventually Miss America’s wish of world peace may come true.