Show Them You Appreciate Them!

The New Technology World we live in has certainly made some things easier, but in return, it has taken away a lot of the old fashioned customer service and appreciation. 

There was a time when you made a purchase and you might have received a handwritten thank you note, or from time to time small tokens of appreciation for simply being a loyal customer.

While these little marketing gestures may have faded, they certainly haven’t gone away.

Amit Kumar, a University of Texas professor who studies well-being, says that most of us underestimate the impact of sending an actual note rather than a text or email.

When Doug Conant became the CEO of Campbell’s Soup, the company was struggling and morale was at an all-time low.  He did a lot of things to turn the company around, but one of the most powerful was he wrote over 30,000 thank you notes in his 10-year journey.

According to a survey by TopResume, two-thirds of employers say receiving a thank you note from a job applicant following an interview impacted their hiring decision.

The continued advancement of technology makes the “human touch” that much more appreciated!  The impact of a handwritten note is greater than ever!

It also goes beyond just your customers.  The same appreciation can be shown to your staff, your suppliers, and vendors.

The cost to acquire a new customer is high.  The cost to keep them can be as little as a handwritten thank you note, or a simple token of appreciation!

Show them – you appreciate them!

Here in the United States we are on the cusp of the end of year holiday season starting with Thanksgiving this month followed by all the December holidays including Christmas and then we ring in a new year.  Do you or does your company give gifts to your clients?  Do you give bonuses to your staff?

While tradition may dictate that you do these things this time of year, I urge you to set up a system of appreciation that is outside the Holiday timeframe too.

Click here to view 14 Appreciation Marketing Tactics to make an emotional connection with your customers, staff, and suppliers.

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