As we zoom thru the last few month of 2020, many businesses are wondering what’s next?  and how do we survive?

The answer is simple.

You need to rely on timeless human relationship principles for your business survival and success.

By the way, I purposely used the word Zoom a moment ago because of it’s two-fold meaning.

Zoom as in, going fast is a timeless concept.  But Zoom is also one of the most popular video meeting platforms this year and for many businesses, it’s helped us keep the humanity alive in this crazy pandemic.

So what are these timeless human relationship principles that are also timeless marketing principles?

  1. Trust must be your foundation.  Do what you say you are going to do.  Be trustworthy. Do not by flaky or unreliable. My wife and I visited a restaurant twice this year before the pandemic and both times we were very disappointed.  Why did we visit the 2nd time if we were not thrilled after the first visit?  Because the place was new and had potential, so we were willing to give them another shot. Unfortunately our 2nd visit wasn’t better, it was worse.  We won’t be back.
  2. Invite people. You have to let others know you are open for business. While humans are a curious creature, we are also creatures of habit and in order for us to change our habits, you need to invite us.  I’m not going to show up uninvited to a friends house these days and unless a business invites me, I probably won’t be showing up there either.
  3. Appreciate people.  This is what I call the kindness factor.  Be sincere.  Thank the people who spend money with you.  Thank the people that say nice things about you.  Be kind to everyone.  None of us like to deal with rude people, so don’t be one.

These three principles were true last year, before the COVID-19 pandemic and they are just as important today.  Do you want some practical advice and guidance on how to implement them in your business? Contact me.

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