TV Audiences Are Shrinking was the title of a story I wrote a decade ago, and unfortunately, the major television broadcast networks are still getting clobbered.

There was hope for some Television folks that in the age of cord cutting, as people dropped their cable TV subscription and started watching channels over the air, like “the good old days” that ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX would see an increase in viewership.

But not so fast…

Many of the cord cutters are not watching the traditional TV networks, some don’t even have a TV like my son and his wife.  Netflix and Hulu have been making gains. meanwhile according to a story from Mediapost last week:

…in prime time, broadcast networks were down 16% (to 8.3 million); and cable networks, lost 11% (to 15.5 million).

To my business owner and marketing manager friends who are wondering why your television ad campaigns have been struggling… this could be a factor.

I have a few suggestions, if you want to talk…