Numerous times I’ve talked about Trust being the biggest Human Relationship Factor that you and your business need to earn and protect when it comes to the success of your business in the eye of the public.

I just saw an article published by that talks about consumer trust outside of advertising, but just as important:

Trust is a key component of brand loyalty, but it’s hard-won and easily lost. According to a Razorfish and GWI survey of almost 1,700 consumers ages 16-64, 58% of respondents said it was a “somewhat slow” or “very slow” process to gain trust in a brand that they recalled building a relationship with.

By contrast, when thinking about a time they lost trust in a company, 70% said they lost that trust quickly.

Now this article was focused on multiple factors that can build trust or destroy it including data privacy policies, online reviews from consumers, compatibility with political views and causes and so on, but to me what really stood out was how challenging it can be to win the hearts and trust of consumers and that it simply takes time.

But more than time, it takes multiple positive touches.

On the other hand, it’s really easy to lose a consumers trust.

When we run advertising campaigns for our clients, we work on under-promising and then over-delivering.  The opposite can destroy a company.

Here’s a link to the article: 

If you want help or guidance creating trust for your company, reach out and we’ll talk.