The Google Advertising Myth continues to live.

Last month, a friend of mine that I see every Wednesday morning at a Business Network International breakfast meeting was telling me and another friend that the only advertising that worked for him in 2017 was Google.

His perception that Google works is based on a false premise. I wrote about it last year, in Your Digital Marketing is B…  And then I read another expert Roy Williams who also talked about this in his weekly Monday Morning Memo newsletter.

Here’s what Roy says:

“The thing that makes me look at the ground, shake my head and sigh is the dangerous myth of the Zero Moment of Truth. But then again, Google is the new Yellow Pages, so it shouldn’t surprise us that they’ve repackaged and renamed the old Yellow Pages scare tactic.
The fundamental premise of the Zero Moment of Truth is that the customer is going to go online when they’re ready to purchase what you sell.
I have no argument with that.
But the dangerous, underlying assumption is that all contenders are equal during the Zero Moment of Truth. But that simply isn’t true.
The company most likely to get the click, the call, and the sale is the company the customer has heard of and has good feelings about.
The tortoise patiently wins the hearts of the people long before the race is begun. He says he’s ‘bonding with tomorrow’s customers’ .
‘Stupid tortoise,’ says the rabbit, ‘he still believes in branding.’
‘Knowledge is power’ is another dangerous myth.
It doesn’t matter what you know.
What matters is what you do with what you know.
So what are you going to do?”
 -Roy Williams, Monday Morning Memo, December 18, 2017

I’m going to dig deeper into this subject soon with examples of short term versus long term which will include exceptions, to give you some guidelines and I’ll go back to examples from my B.N. I. group.

I also had a great discussion with another friend regarding human relationship based marketing that should be used as the foundation of what you do, no matter what tactic you employ.

In the meantime, let me remind you that making advertising decisions for your business are usually best left to the experts and professionals.  That is what I do.  The home page of my website specifically says I do Media & Marketing Coaching & Consulting.  You can be the expert at your specialty and I’ll stick to mine.  But when I need your expertise, I’ll call you and you can contact me when you need my kind of help.